
In every province, there are monthly informal Mensa drinks where members meet each other in a loose and relaxed atmosphere, usually in a pub.

There is talk and philosophising, but also laughter and sometimes even crying. Some get-togethers are occasionally opened up to friends or family of members, but this is always announced beforehand.

Special Interest Groups

If you have a special interest or hobby, there may be a Mensa SIG about it. If it doesn't exist yet, you can start and develop it yourself. You always get support from the board, both practical and financial.

At the moment there are all kinds of SIGs like the Smul-SIG (gastronomy), Hesperia (plants), ArtsSIG, gamesSIG, ... These SIGs are open to all members and offer an excellent opportunity to fully immerse yourself in a subject.

ComMensal magazine

Mensa Be has its own magazine, the ComMensal. This bilingual magazine is made by and for our members. The editor selects a number of subjects that we hope our members will find interesting, but there is also room for the members' own input in the form of an article or even a work of art. In short, a real members' magazine!

Service for Information, Guidance, and Hospitality to Travelers

This is the Mensa travel agency! Most national Mensa's have a SIGHT coordinator who mediates between travelling Mensa's and possible hosts who can show visitors around their city or country and even offer them a place to sleep.

European Mensa Annual Gathering

Every year, a European Mensa Annual Gathering is organised in a European city. The organisation is done entirely by Mensa volunteers and the activities offered vary between lectures, sports activities, workshops or speed dating with a legendary gala as a finale. Certainly not to be missed if you want to broaden your horizons within Mensa.